Dress Code Q&A
Q: Will VCA operate with a dress code for ‘23-’24?
A: Yes, all VCA students are expected to abide by the stated dress code which is khaki or black bottoms and a VCA uniform shirt. Bottoms may be purchased at the store of your choice. The VCA School Store will be operated on campus and have inventory for school tops.
Q: What types of shirts will we need?
A: All students must wear a VCA uniform shirt Mon-Thurs. On chapel days students will be required to wear a collared shirt. Both shirt options will be available for purchase in the VCA School Store.
Q: Do I have to purchase uniform bottoms from the VCA School Store?
A: No, you may purchase khaki or black pants, shorts, skirts, and skorts at the store of your choice.
Q: Does my child need a PE uniform?
A: All 6th -12th grade students enrolled in a PE class (including Weight Training) will need to purchase a PE uniform from the school store. All other students (grades K-5th) will need to wear tennis shoes for their scheduled PE classes.
Q: Are students allowed to wear VCA athletic tops/spirit tops during the school week?
A: Yes, so long as they are purchased through the VCA School Store or the BSN school store.
Q: Can my student athlete wear his/her jersey/uniform top on game days?
A: Only if approval has been given by the appropriate administrator and communicated by his/her coach.
Q: May I personalize or create a VCA uniform top for my child?
A: No, ALL uniform tops MUST be purchased from the VCA School Store or BSN Spirit Shop. No alterations to any garment are permitted.
Q: The BSN Spirit Shop offers alternative bottoms (sweats, athletic shorts, joggers, etc.) Can my child wear these to school as appropriate uniform wear?
A: No, students MUST wear khaki or black bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, jumpers) Monday through Thursday. Bottoms and tops other than school uniform may be worn on Dress Down Days and will incur a $1 fee each. Leggings will not be allowed Monday -Friday.
Q: What if my student wears a top purchased from the VCA School Store or BSN spirit store on a Dress Down Day, will they be charged?
A: No. If a student wears a top purchased from the VCA School Store or BSN spirit store on a Dress Down Day, they will not be charged a $1 fee. If the student wears bottoms or tops other than uniform options, they will be charged a $1 dress down fee per item.
Q: Can my student wear old uniform tops/designs?
A: Yes, with stipulations. Students may wear any old uniform top, so long as the garment is purple, black, gray or white. The student should purchase current VCA uniforms to be in compliance as soon as possible.
Q: What will happen if my student wears any other garment (top or bottom) than an approved VCA uniform?
A: Dress code offenses will receive demerits. Three demerits equal one detention.

Q: My student has not purchased his/her uniform tops yet. What should we do?
A: The school store will be stocked and ready for the start of school year. Parents are encouraged to shop early and be prepared for the first day.
Q: Who is my contact for the school store?
A: Tina Eddy is the contact for the school store. Mrs. Eddy may be reached at 910-483-5500.